So-Called Dollar Discussions

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I do have a HK 619 had it for some time coincidentallly turned it in for grading 3 weeks ago. I think a lot of collectors dont like slabbed tokens. I didnt and have been collecting for 40 years. just changed my mind about slabs a year ago. Bill

My favorite acquisition so far is HK-4. In terms of quality of the SCD, it would grade about very fine, and someone searching for silver made a nick on the rim (I shudder to think of someone finding a HK-2 and then melting it for the silver). What makes it my favorite is the difficulty in finding the medal at all, and the importance of the semi-centennial. What would people here pay for the SCD described in this posting.

Many of the medals in the Ostheimer auctions are described as being the only examples graded by NGC as well as being the Plate medals in the SCD editions. It would be good to know whether anyone has actually seen other examples of these medals. For instance, I bought the HK 619 in the August sale. It was a Details example that also served as the Plate medal in the books. There are no graded examples of this medal in the NGC census, but this medal is listed in the Second Edition as an R5. Are there even other Details examples that people are actually aware of? I wonder if I'm chasing phantoms in many cases, and the only surviving examples were in the hands of the collection creators and their immediate circle.

I have an ungraded HK-619 (1890 Iowa State Capitol) that I purchased within the last six months. I would post a photo of it, but I am out of the country for a bit. It's an AU example.