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HK 245-267 California Midwinter Exposition - 1894

TopicsLast post
HK-250A Gilt Expo ViewBy Pioneer4 Replies · 2,466 ViewsLast post: 4 years ago · Pioneer
HK-245aBy  billycgribble2 Replies · 4,580 ViewsLast post: 4 years ago · Pioneer
1894 Midwinter Coin StackBy Pioneer0 Replies · 1,717 ViewsLast post: 8 years ago · Pioneer
HK-258By BRUCE THOMAS0 Replies · 1,921 ViewsLast post: 9 years ago · BRUCE THOMAS
HK-248 ? Silver Plate ?By Pioneer1 Reply · 2,590 ViewsLast post: 10 years ago ·  bill
HK-245aBy  billycgribble · 25 Replies · 8,410 ViewsLast post: 11 years ago ·  bill
HK 245ABy  engineer2 Replies · 1,968 ViewsLast post: 12 years ago ·  engineer
HK 261 New InformationBy  bill0 Replies · 2,640 ViewsLast post: 12 years ago ·  bill
Interesting pair of H&K 245sBy  bill4 Replies · 3,955 ViewsLast post: 13 years ago ·  bill